
Freshwater Biodiversity Toolbox

Fencing of Farm Animals

Overgrazing by agricultural livestock is responsible for world-wide habitat degradation. High densities of farm animals and intense grazing pressure damages the quality of agricultural soils, leading to increased likelihood of erosion. When agricultural fields and farms are near inland aquatic habitats such as ponds and streams, intense overgrazing pressure on riparian habitat can cause vegetation loss, increased sediment input, and increased pollution input. These changes to the riparian zone can degrade both water and habitat quality for aquatic organisms living in these environments. One common mitigation effort to protect important aquatic habitats is through the exclusion of livestock from the area with fencing. Limiting or completely restricting access to these areas may allow both the riparian and aquatic ecosystem to recover from overgrazing effects.  

CEESAT scoring varied for this intervention; 10 syntheses scored poorly (Red or Amber) in each category but 6 syntheses scored Green at least once. These syntheses scored Green in categories referring to the diversity of sources used in the review or their inclusion of eligibility criteria. Sievers et al. (2017) scored Gold for a clearly defined and transparent search strategy. Most syntheses scored well according to RASCAT criteria, demonstrating high applicability and relevancy to a Canadian freshwater context. The lowest scores (Red/Amber) were mostly given in regards to the applicability of the syntheses to practitioners, where most syntheses did not provide appropriate considerations of implications, practical advice, or recommendations.

Roni, P., Hanson, K., Beechie, T., Pess, G., Pollock, M., & Bartley, D.M. (2005)
Habitat rehabilitation for inland fisheries: Global review of effectiveness and guidance for rehabilitation of freshwater ecosystems.
Sievers, M., Hale, R., & Morrongiello, J.R. (2017)
Do trout response to riparian change? A meta-analysis with implications for restoration and management
Roni, P., Hanson, K., & Beechie, T. (2008)
Global review of the physical and biological effectiveness of stream habitat rehabilitation techniques
Liu, T., Bruins, R.J.R., & Herberling, M.T. (2018)
Factors influencing farmers' adoption of best management practices: A review and synthesis
McKergow, L.A., Matheson, F.E., & Quinn, J.M. (2016)
Riparian management: A restoration tool for New Zealand streams
Kroll, S.A., & Oakland, H.C. (2019)
A review of studies documenting the effects of agricultural best management practices on physiochemical and biological measures of stream ecosystem integrity
McDowell, R.W., & Nash, D. (2012)
A review of the cost-effective and suitability of mitigation strategies to prevent phosphorus loss from dairy farms in New Zealand and Australia
Collins, R., McLeod, M., Hedley, M., Donnison, A., Close, M., Hanly, J., Horne, D., Ross, C., Davies-Colley, R., Bagshaw, C., & Matthews, L. (2007)
Best management practices to mitigate faecal contamination by livestock of New Zealand waters
Grudzinski, B., Fritz, K., & Dodds, W. (2020)
Does riparian fencing protect stream water quality in cattle-grazed lands?
Mosely, J.C., Cook, P.S., Griffis, A.J., & O'Laughlin, J. (1997)
Guidelines for managing cattle grazing in riparian areas to protect water quality: Review of research and best management practices policies
O'Callaghan, P., Kelly-Quinn, M., Jennings, E., Antunes, P., O'Sullivan, M., Fenton, O., & Ó. hUallacháin, D. (2019)
The environmental impact of cattle access to watercourses: A review
Agouridis, C.T., Workman, S.R., Warner, R.C., & Jennings, G.D. (2005)
Livestock grazing management impacts on stream water quality: A review
Smith, R.K., & Sutherland, W.J. (2014)
Amphibian conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions
De Steven, D., & Lowrance, R. (2011)
Agricultural conservation practices and wetland ecosystem services in the wetland-rich Piedmont-Coastal Plain region
Parkyn, S. (2004)
Review of riparian buffer zone effectiveness
Flávio, H.M., Ferreira, P., Formigo, N., & Svendsen, J.C. (2017)
Reconciling agriculture and stream restoration in Europe: A review relating to the EU Water Framework Directive
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