
Freshwater Biodiversity Toolbox

Sediment & Erosion Control – Silt Fencing

Silt fencing is used in order to prevent sediment runoff into bodies of water. It acts as a filter but can also stop sediment movement that leads to pooling with stormwater, allowing sediment to settle. The spread of sediment into waterways can be extremely harmful to both the ecosystem and the organisms residing in these habitats. Silt fences are mainly used as a temporary protection when there is construction taking place near a water system that increases the risk of sediment spread. Improperly managed fences can become ineffective in their control of sediment as they can become damaged. Proper installation, maintenance, and removal of silt fences is necessary so that the fences can be as effective as possible.

The syntheses scored poorly across all elements of CEESAT demonstrating limitations in the rigour and the transparency in which the review was conducted (i.e., no a-priori protocol, critical appraisal, or search strategy provided). A Green score was only given in one element to Ayenew (2016) for the diverse sources used. Ayenew (2016) could not be scored according to most RASCAT elements but Cooke et al. (2015) scored Gold for each element except for the ability to demonstrate consideration of implications, practical advice, or recommendations for decision-makers. Photo credit: MPCA Photos

Ayenew, A.W. (2016)
Review paper on "Irrigation Water Pollution and Its Minimization Measures"
Cooke, S.J., Chapman, J.M., & Vermaire, J.C (2015)
On the apparent failure of silt fences to protect freshwater ecosystems from sedimentation: A call for improvements in science, technology, training and compliance monitoring
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