
Freshwater Biodiversity Toolbox

Sediment & Erosion Control – Riparian Buffers

Riparian buffers are important conservation methods for protecting water systems. Riparian buffer strips are heavily vegetated areas which act as protection, shade and a filter between streams and the adjacent lands. The buffer strips have many functions, including, but not limited to, water purification, channel stability, filtration, and a nondisturbance area. A main purpose of riparian buffer strips is to minimize the amount of pollution in waterways. It is important when applying buffers to ensure that the conditions are ideal for the buffer to be able to act to its maximal efficacy. The buffer strips are able to filter both nutrients and sediment but are more effective in sediment filtration because of the particle size differences. They help in providing a barrier between the land and waterway to reduce the amount of sediment that is able to reach the water.

The majority of syntheses in this intervention scored poorly in CEESAT demonstrating limitations in the rigour and the transparency in which the review was conducted (i.e., no a-priori protocol, critical appraisal, or search strategy provided). Six syntheses scored Green in at least one element of CEESAT. RASCAT scoring was mixed for this intervention; syntheses scored well in elements related to habitat, latitude, environmental performance, and Polity score metrics for the countries reviewed and their relevancy to a Canadian context. Syntheses were given low scores in elements related to publication year, climate, and including the consideration of implications, practical advice, or recommendations for decision-makers. Photo credit: Nicolas Polischuck

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