
Freshwater Biodiversity Toolbox

Tree Planting

Tree planting is a method of revegetation not only meant for wooded areas as this action helps to improve both the function and health of riparian zones. Planting trees in the riparian zone assists riparian zones in acting as a pollution buffer and filter for aquatic ecosystems. Trees can be planted both to create new buffer strips as well as to rehabilitate pre-existing buffer strips. Trees also provide many benefits individually to an ecosystem, such as acting as a source of woody debris and nutrients, maintaining water temperatures, encouraging biodiversity, as well as help in carbon sequestration.

There was a mix of CEESAT scores for this intervention; 2 syntheses scored Red or Amber in each element demonstrating limitations in the rigour and the transparency in which these reviews were conducted (i.e., no a-priori protocol, critical appraisal, or search strategy provided). Three syntheses (Smith & Sutherland 2014, Roni et al. 2008, Flávio et al. 2017) demonstrated Green in at least one element. Sievers et al. (2017) is a detailed and systematic synthesis, demonstrating rigour in their review conduct by scoring Gold or Green in every CEESAT element. The majority of syntheses scored well in RASCAT but two syntheses scored Red in at least one category. Nunes et al. (2020) and Flávio et al. (2017) reviewed studies with climates not relevant to a Canadian context and failed to provide consideration of implications, practical advice, or recommendations for decision-makers. Nunes et al. (2020) also did not review species endemic to Canada.

Roni, P., Hanson, K., Beechie, T., Pess, G., Pollock, M., & Bartley, D.M. (2005)
Habitat rehabilitation for inland fisheries: Global review of effectiveness and guidance for rehabilitation of freshwater ecosystems.
Sievers, M., Hale, R., & Morrongiello, J.R. (2017)
Do trout response to riparian change? A meta-analysis with implications for restoration and management
Roni, P., Hanson, K., & Beechie, T. (2008)
Global review of the physical and biological effectiveness of stream habitat rehabilitation techniques
Smith, R.K., & Sutherland, W.J. (2014)
Amphibian conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions
Nunes, S., Gastauer, M., Cavalcante, R.B.L., Ramos, S.J., Caldeira, C.F. Jr., Silva, D., Rodrigues, R.R., Salomão, R., Oliveira, M., Souza-Filho, P.W.M., & Siqueria, J.O (2020)
Challenges and opportunities for large-scale reforestation in the Eastern Amazon using native species
Flávio, H.M., Ferreira, P., Formigo, N., & Svendsen, J.C. (2017)
Reconciling agriculture and stream restoration in Europe: A review relating to the EU Water Framework Directive
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