
Freshwater Biodiversity Toolbox

Agricultural Run-off Control

Agriculture is one of the most common forms of non-point source pollution into inland waters. Farming intensity, and in turn, fertilizer use, will continue to increase over the years to meet global food demands. Untreated nutrient-rich effluent from livestock on farmland, pesticides, and fertilizers can move from farmland into nearby aquatic habitats, increasing the likelihood of eutrophication. Mitigation efforts to reduce the amount of chemicals or nutrients discharged into aquatic habitats may include vegetated buffer strips, on-site effluent treatment, reducing the use of fertilizers and pesticides, or changing farming practices. The syntheses presented here range from field experiments exploring the most effective vegetative buffer widths to technical studies treating effluent and more efficient phosphorus use and storage.  

Most syntheses for this intervention scored low in CEESAT demonstrating limitations in the rigour and the transparency in which these syntheses were conducted (i.e., no a-priori protocol, critical appraisal, or search strategy provided). Two syntheses were able to provide detailed eligibility criteria (Smith et al. 2014, Prosser at al. 2020) and Liu et al. 2018 had a diverse array of sources used in their synthesis (e.g., grey literature, peer-reviewed scientific literature). Most syntheses scored well according to RASCAT criteria, demonstrating high applicability and relevancy to a Canadian freshwater context. The lowest scores (Red/Amber) were mostly given in regards to the applicability of the syntheses to practitioners, where most syntheses did not provide appropriate considerations of implications, practical advice, or recommendations. Photo Credit: eutrophication&hypoxia

Houlbrooke, D.J., Horne, D.J., Hedley, M.J., Hanly, J.A., & Snow, V.O. (2004)
A review of literature on the land treatment of farm-dairy effluent in New Zealand and its impact on water quality
Prosser, R.S., Hoekstra, P.F., Gene, S., Truman, C., White, M., & Hanson, M.L. (2020)
A review of the effectiveness of vegetated buffers to mitigate pesticides and nutrient transport into surface waters from agricultural areas
Withers, P.J.A., Neal, C., Jarvie, H.P., & Doody, D.G. (2014)
Agriculture and eutrophication: Where do we go from here?
McDowell, R.W., Biggs, B.J.F., Sharpley, A.N., & Nguyen, L. (2004)
Connecting phosphrous loss from agricultural landscapes to surface water quality
Blann, K.L., Anderson, J.L., Sands, G.R., & Vondracek, B. (2009)
Effects of agricultural drainage on aquatic ecosystems: A review
Liu, T., Bruins, R.J.R., & Herberling, M.T. (2018)
Factors influencing farmers' adoption of best management practices: A review and synthesis
Macintosh, K.A., Mayer, B.K., McDowell, R.W., Powers, S.M., Baker, L.A., Boyer, T.H., & Rittmann, B.E. (2018)
Managing diffuse phosphorus at the source versus at the sink
Hart, M.R., Quin, B.F., & Nguyen, M.L. (2004)
Phosphorus runoff from agricultural land and direct fertilizer effects: A review
Kumwimba, M.N., Meng, F., Iseyemi, O., Moore, M.T., Bo, Z., Tao, W., Liang, T.J., & Ilunga, L. (2018)
Removal of non-point source pollutants from domestic sewage and agricultural runoff by vegetated drainage ditches (VDDs): Design, mechanism, management strategies, and future directions
Hashemi, F., Olesen, J.E., Dalgaard, T., & Borgesen, C.D. (2016)
Review of scenario analyses to reduce agricultural nitrogen and phosphorus loading to the aquatic environment
McKergow, L.A., Matheson, F.E., & Quinn, J.M. (2016)
Riparian management: A restoration tool for New Zealand streams
McDowell, R.W., & Nash, D. (2012)
A review of the cost-effective and suitability of mitigation strategies to prevent phosphorus loss from dairy farms in New Zealand and Australia
Hickey, M.B.C., & Doran, B. (2004)
A review of the efficiency of buffer strips for the maintenance and enhancement of riparian ecosystems
Collins, R., McLeod, M., Hedley, M., Donnison, A., Close, M., Hanly, J., Horne, D., Ross, C., Davies-Colley, R., Bagshaw, C., & Matthews, L. (2007)
Best management practices to mitigate faecal contamination by livestock of New Zealand waters
Smith, R.K., & Sutherland, W.J. (2014)
Amphibian conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions
Barling, R.D., & Moore, I.D. (1994)
Role of buffer strips in Management of waterway pollution: A review
Stutter, M.I., Chardon, W.J., & Kronvang, B. (2012)
Riparian buffer strips as a multifunctional management tool in agricultural landscapes: Introduction
Parkyn, S. (2004)
Review of riparian buffer zone effectiveness
Taylor Lovell, S. & Sullivan, W.C. (2006)
Environmental benefits of conservation buffers in the United States: Evidence, promise, and open questions
Rowiński, P.M., Västilä, K., Aberle, J., Järvelä, J., & Kalinowska, M.B. (2018)
How vegetation can aid in coping with river management challenges: A brief review
Ahmad, Z.U., Sakib, S., & Gang, D.D. (2016)
Nonpoint Source Pollution
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