
Freshwater Biodiversity Toolbox

Wildlife Passage – Culverts

Increasing habitat degradation and fragmentation has led to the installation of wildlife crossing structures such as culverts. Culverts are a common mitigation measure in reducing mortalities from road crossings and vehicular collisions for a variety of wildlife, including amphibians. They also seek to restore habitat connectivity for fish inhabiting anthropogenically altered and developed ecosystems. In many cases, culverts act as more of a physical or hydraulic barrier to wildlife depending the design and species being targeted. Therefore, more information is needed in order to properly assess both the potential ecological benefits and consequences of existing culvert structures, so that they may be better modified to species-specific movement patterns or removed altogether and replaced with more effective mitigation strategies.

All papers for this intervention scored low in CEESAT demonstrating limitations in the rigour and the transparency in which these reviews were conducted (i.e., no a-priori protocol, critical appraisal, or search strategy provided). All but one synthesis was able to demonstrate some investigation of effect modifiers and six syntheses demonstrated some consideration of limitations. Syntheses received mixed scores in RASCAT. High scores were given in elements related to habitat, latitude, environmental performance, and Polity scores of countries reviewed by syntheses. Many syntheses scored poorly with regards to publication year and the how relevant the climate and species reviewed were to a Canadian freshwater context. Photo credit: Peter Van den Bossche

Leng, X., & Chanson, H. (2020)
"Vegan" culvert: application of hybrid modelling in modern hydraulic structures
Glista, D.J., DeVault, T.L., & DeWoody, J.A. (2009)
A review of mitigation measures for reducing wildlife mortality on roadways
Hoffman, R.L., & Dunham, J.B. (2012)
Aquatic organism passage at road-stream crossings – synthesis and guidelines for effectiveness monitoring
Boys, C., Glasby, T., Kroon, F., Baumgartner, L., Wilkinson, K., Reilly, G., & Fowler, T. (2011)
Case studies in restoring connectivity of coastal aquatic habitats: floodgates, box culvert and rock-ramp fishway
Singley, B.C., & Hotchkiss, R.H. (2010)
Differences between open-channel and culvert hydraulics: Implications for design
Boubéé, J., Jowett, I., Nichols, S., & Williams, E. (1999)
Fish passage at culverts: A review, with possible solutions for New Zealand indigenous species
Baker, C.O., & Votapka, F.E. (1990)
Fish passage through culverts
Jones, M.J., & Hale, R. (2019)
Using knowledge of behaviour and optic physiology to improve fish passage through culverts
Lenhart, C.F. (2003)
A preliminary review of NOAA's community-based dam removal and fish passage projects
Roni, P., Hanson, K., Beechie, T., Pess, G., Pollock, M., & Bartley, D.M. (2005)
Habitat rehabilitation for inland fisheries: Global review of effectiveness and guidance for rehabilitation of freshwater ecosystems.
Smith, R.K., & Sutherland, W.J. (2014)
Amphibian conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions
Beebee, T.J.C. (1996)
Ecology and conservation of amphibians
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