
Freshwater Biodiversity Toolbox

Habitat Creation – Addition of Woody Debris to Lentic Systems

The addition of woody debris to inland aquatic habitats is one rehabilitation effort in watersheds impacted by human activity. Artificially constructed wooden structures or the recruitment of natural wood material is thought to improve habitat conditions for fish and other aquatic organisms. Woody debris can improve freshwater habitats as its placement creates habitat heterogeneity and complexity, forming spawning or nursery habitat for many fish. Woody debris also creates microhabitats of cooler water and instream cover/refugia for aquatic organisms. This intervention reviews the addition of woody debris in lentic habitats (e.g., still water such as lakes or ponds). The following syntheses cover case studies, techniques, and project planning and monitoring.

The majority of syntheses for this intervention scored poorly in CEESAT demonstrating limitations in the rigour and the transparency in which these reviews were conducted (i.e., no a-priori protocol, critical appraisal, or search strategy provided). Smokorowski et al. (2007) scored Green for the justification of the type and approach of the synthesis. Taylor et al. (2019) is a detailed and systematic synthesis, demonstrating rigour in their review conduct by scoring Gold or Green in every CEESAT element. The majority of syntheses scored very strongly in all RASCAT elements. Two syntheses reviewed were not published recently, and three syntheses did not demonstrate consideration of implications, practical advice, or recommendations for decision-makers.

Czarnecka, M. (2016)
Coarse woody debris in temperate littoral zones: implications for biodiversity, food webs and lake management
Nagayama, S., & Nakamura, F. (2010)
Fish habitat rehabilitation using wood in the world
Roni, P., Hanson, K., Beechie, T., Pess, G., Pollock, M., & Bartley, D.M. (2005)
Habitat rehabilitation for inland fisheries: Global review of effectiveness and guidance for rehabilitation of freshwater ecosystems.
Wolter, M. (2013)
Lakeshore Woody Habitat in Review (Sawyer County).
Taylor, J.J., Rytwinski, T., Bennett, J.R., Smokorowski, K.E., Lapointe, N.W.R., Janusz, R., Clarke, K., Tonn, B., Walsh, J.C., Cooke, S.J. ( (2019)
The effectiveness of spawning habitat creation or enhancement for substrate-spawning temperate fish: a systematic review
Bolding, B., Bonar, S., & Divens, M. (2004)
Use of artifical structure to enhance angler benefits in lakes, ponds, and reservoirs: A literature review
Strayer, D.L. & Findlay, S.E.G. (2010)
Ecology of freshwater shore zones
Smokorowski, K.E., & Pratt, T.C. (2007)
Effect of a change in physical structure and cover on fish and fish habitat in freshwater ecosystems – a review and meta-analysis
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